Sofia Davis Editor-in-Chief
Sofia Davis – Editor-in-Chief of Fashion Avenue News magazine and Chief Executive Producer of BTE TV (Beauty Television & Entertainment) is a graduate of The Fashion Institute of Technology. With a degree in Fashion Design & Patternmaking she has created a Fashion Media Conglomerate. With an energy matched only by Ophra, she has loved fashion from the time she could reach the Chanel No. 5 on her mother’s dresser. She began her fashion career at Walker Missionary Baptist Church, participating in Church fundraisers. Before attending FIT, she won the Uptown Saturday Night evening wear designer award with a Black Feathered “Bob Mackie” type Cocktail Dress. She was told continuously that she was “Too Short” to be a Model, so she created her own Modeling group. While performing in front of the Harlem State Building, Ralph Cooper Senior of the World Famous Apollo Theater just happened by and was taken by her talent, and requested a meeting with her. This began her ten year career as Director of Models at the Apollo Theater, coordinating everything from picking models to which designers and makeup artists to use. During her time at the Apollo, she created “BTE TV” (Beauty Television & Entertainment). It began as a Public Access show and quickly developed into a daily, commercial broadcast TV show (now on line). BTE TV has been covering New York, London, Paris & Milan Runway shows since 1993. You can catch Sofia backstage interviewing, Betsy Johnson, Chanel Iman, Zac Posner, Naomi Campbell, Zang Toi, Justin Timberlake, Vera Wang, Kati Stern, Carmen Marc Valvo, Nicole Miller, Tracey Reese and more.
Sofia created “Fashion Avenue News”, a new type of Luxury print fashion magazine that focuses on the “non-celebrity” trendsetters, the “not-yet-famous” fashion designers and models. We feature emerging and established designers, along with plus size and straight size models on the same pages. The September Fashion Week issue, featured Oscar Winning Actress Halle Berry on the cover. Our close of the summer August issue featured Super Model Alek Wek.